This communication is from a debt collector and is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you are a New York City resident, translation and description of commonly-used debt collection terms is available in multiple languages on the Department’s website, and we have call center representatives that can speak with you in English and Spanish.
California Residents – Click Here for the California CCPA Privacy Policy
Vendor Due Diligence for Credit Unions is Critical
/in Press ReleasesMany credit unions utilize outside collection agency service providers to enhance and support their in-house collection/asset recovery operations. While these vendors provide a very important function for your organization, it is important to perform due diligence with these vendors to mitigate any risks associated with the business partnership.
Due diligence of the vendor may include:
Does the vendor have the financial stability to fulfill all duties required of them?
Has your vendor been through a detailed testing and audit of the design and operating effectiveness of their organization’s controls?
Is your vendor familiar with credit union regulations and requirements?
If you would like more information regarding Integral Recoveries and the services we provide to credit unions, please reach out to us at the contact us at 800-660-8450 x 5 or
Western States Association of Tax Administrators Conference
/in Press ReleasesJoe Del Bene will be exhibiting at the upcoming WSATA Conference at the Whitney Peak Hotel in Reno, NV Oct 8 -11th. Government tax executives from all over the western region will be attending.
It is a great opportunity for us to continue to offer our growing tax department’s expertise to these major Government entities, finding out what their unique needs are.
Southeastern Association of Tax Administrators Conference
/in Press ReleasesIf you attending the upcoming Southeastern Association of Tax Administrators Conference in Little Rock, AR Jul 16-19th, we’ll be there. Stop by and visit Joe Del Bene and drop off a business card for some great giveaways, coffee on us, and some brief info on how we can help your organization increase recoveries.
Here is a link to detailed information on the event.